Wednesday 28 January 2015

So you want to travel the world?

This post is based on personal experience, well, the personal stress I'm going through at the moment whilst planning my travelling experience. A 'gap year' is something I've always dreamed of doing having had the fortunate upbringing that has meant I've travelled a lot already, I can happily say I've been bitten by the travel bug and I hope it never goes. So in September of this year I plan to spend two months travelling around Asia and Australia with my best friend and I couldn't be more scared excited! Here are some of the things that are plaguing me at the moment, some of the tips we've been lucky to have been given & some advice I certainly needed. All in one place.

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It's time for some jabs
I know, I know that they're painful but believe me they're worth it in comparison to the nasty things you can catch out there! This is especially important as most jabs need to be done six months before you travel, so this month I'll be working up the courage to get round to it. The types of injections needed differ depending on country but it's always worth checking that you have all your boosters (if you got jabs during school i.e. polio, typhoid, diphtheria) and some extras like Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B are on my list. Best thing to do is to check online to see what your government recommends for each county.

Hello? Let me in!
Visa's, something we Brits don't often have to worry about on our average holiday to Europe and something I'm seriously grateful for. However, travelling further afield means that you need to pay those pesky entry fees and sometimes apply for them prior to travelling. Luckily some countries, like Thailand, are free for 30 days of tourist travel. But Bali charge a $35 entry visa which can easily be paid on arrival. It's important to look out for countries like Australia though who, whilst offering a free tourist visa for three months, need you to apply for it PRIOR to travelling, so you have it already on arrival.

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Budget, be realistic
'Budget' has got to be my least favourite word EVER. Who wants to miss out on fun stuff and new things to put money away for something months down the line? It's all well and good saving the bare minimum for your flights and accommodation, but watching your travel partners go on boat adventures and sky diving whilst you can simply watch? Not fun. Think about whether you really need that new dress, or those three coffees whilst at the library, and remember what your money is going towards... the trip of a lifetime!!

Obviously there is so much more to do surrounding going travelling which I plan to cover in other blog posts, these are just the ones that need to be thought about early on!

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